Oct. 1, 2020

Experiential Events Captivating Clients In Kuwait

by Pencilvent

Most people have tripped over the phrase experiential marketing, but most of them don't fully understand its pros and cons. It is, at its simplest, an event set up by an event management company to allow consumers, current and potential, to interact with the company's products and services.

In the past decades, physical interaction was 'achieved' if a person walked past signs, flags and/or posters and read the info. Then the exhibition stands were born and had staff in attendance. In tough times the staff were replaced by digital displays. However, this is not an experiential event.


Sept. 15, 2020

Has Your Brand Strategy for Kuwait Tested Positive for Covid-19?

by Pencilvent

I think we can all agree that this year has been, at the very least, interesting and at its worst, brutal. Arguments have raged between governments and the World Health Organisation (WHO), government finance ministers and government health ministers, mask wearers and mask non-wearers. Through all of this, business owners are juggling immediate business pressures. They have been in a state of needing to pull solutions out of thin air and simultaneously try to reimagine their business now and in the new normal that is upcoming.

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