Simple Marketing Strategies To Keep Your Business Afloat During COVID-19

July 15, 2020

Simple Marketing Strategies To Keep Your Business Afloat During COVID-19

by Tawfiq Al-Sharif

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc, businesses, both big and small, have genuinely begun to feel the economic effects. Many industries have been forced to shut down, and even if your company’s doors are still open, our customers probably do not have the spending power they had before.

While it may not be realistic for your business to thrive during this tumultuous time, it is still possible for it to stay afloat, and there are a few simple marketing strategies that can help! As a leading online advertising agency in Kuwait, we’ve devised this list to help your business!

Connect With Your Audience

While your physical business may not be running as it usually does, you now have the time to connect with your audience online. Take this time to focus on your social media presence by posting relatable content, replying to their comments and asking for online reviews.

Offer A Free Trial

During this time, your potential customers would probably really appreciate a free trial of your service or a promotion on your products. Lure in your customers now, show them what you’ve got, and when the economy returns to ‘normal’, you may have found yourself lifelong customers. Offering exceptional promotions will also get people talking about your business more!

Invest In Paid Advertising

It may be challenging to invest in paid advertising when you don’t have the capital that you may have had a few months ago. But remember that your competitors are probably also struggling and this may be the opportunity you need to overtake. Ensure that you go through a reputable advertising agency in Kuwait for the most effective results. Paid advertising can expose your brand to ideal customers that may never have found out about it any other way.

Ensure Your Customers Are Well-Informed

With so many new regulations and the relaxation of regulations happening all at once, you need to keep your customers informed so that they know if you are open or closed, if you have new operating hours, and if you are offering any specials during this time. There should be no room for confusion. You can spread this information through email marketing and social media.

At Pencilvent, a leading professional advertising agency in Kuwait, we can help local businesses boost their organic rankings and help them connect with more of their ideal customers through effective online advertising.

Contact us today to start increasing your brand’s digital voice!